Saturday, October 22, 2011

Blogging: Cold, Lonely Internet

I know that I have been a little quieter than usual lately, and I apologize for that. It has been quiet here this fall, so there isn't much to write about. The pigs are far enough away that I miss out on their daily antics, and the weekly visits that I make to them don't always result in any kind of real story. The chickens are molting, and therefore not laying, but that isn't much to talk about. The garlic is planted for next year, and the garden has been put to bed for the winter. So, I have been filling the time I usually use for writing with reading other people's blogs and trying to promote my own a little.

I added a fan page on Facebook. As of today, I had SIX "Likes". That is sad, people. I am really pretty disappointed about that. Even adding a link to it on my sidebar isn't helping much, nor was recommending the page to almost everyone I know on Facebook. I do not update every day, so you don't have to worry about me jamming up your feed, if that was your concern. I do, however, post when I put up a new article, and post status updates when something happens that isn't long enough to write an entire story or essay about. If you want to follow me on Facebook, you can use the LIKE button here directly, or see my page HERE (then click LIKE, right?).

I set up a separate Twitter account for the blog as well. Like the Facebook page, it will include short updates, links to new and old posts, and maybe the occasional farm-related joke (I will keep the puns to a minimum, for those who know me personally and who have requested it). Of course you can send me @ replies and direct messages as well, and I will always answer (though not always immediately- I have a day-job, you know). Did I mention that I follow back? Well, I do. Here's my TWITTER PROFILE.

I want to thank you all for your support. I know that we crazy, chicken-chasing, dog-snuggling, wood-splitting, fruit-canning, yard-planting, animal-slaughtering, suburban hicks are a rare breed. This blog, and others like it, are a small niche, and I appreciate each and every one of you. See you on the InterWebz!!

My Dearly Departed Father-In-Law's
Top-of-the-Line Commodore Pet PC
Circa 1984
Belongs in a Museum, right?


  1. Ooh... I love what you've done with your site! Girl, you need to head on over to voiceBoks. You will make friends and find followers faster than you can say "cold, lonely internet." You will even meet people who are in your niche. It's like Facebook, but for mommy bloggers.

    I think you need to have a referral to join (they enacted this about a month ago I think), so just put my name in (my real name) when you are joining. You will find Twitter followers, FB fans, GFC followers, and real true FRIENDS there. It has been a lifeline of sorts for me.

    You need to get over there NOW, and the internet will no longer be cold and lonely... I promise!

    Hugs, Jenn @Misadventures in Motherhood

  2. Great to find your site! Jenn from Misadventures in Motherhood is a voiceBoks friend and she suggested a few of us pop over to see your great site! I look forward to reading more about you and your life on the farm! I am following you and I liked your facebook page. I know it can be so hard to start to build up your fan base! Take care!

    Kathy@ My dishwasher's possessed!

  3. Thanks, Jenn. I just signed up at VoiceBoks and am awaiting approval. We'll see how it goes. Did you know that you made the homepage with your "Mom Hair" post? Sweet!!

    Kathy, Jenn is my best cheerleader and has been since... well, my whole life. Her endorsement is more than enough for me, and I'm looking forward to trying it out.

    Thank you both!
